Trudeau Aerating Pourer aka All you need is the air that you breathe

This marks the first wine related article that I have posted since I started this blog. Yes though I named this blog as such,  I haven't gotten round to the wine as there's so much to write about food :P
Well, better late than never and this post deals with "wine and technology", so there!!

Those who savour their wines would know that aeration ( sometimes referred to as "letting your wine breathe") is an important process in terms of enhancing a wine's flavour. In some cases, there can be a world of difference in taste when you compare an aerated wine with the same wine that is unaerated. Traditionally, to aerate a wine, most people would pour the wine into a decanter (it resembles a large lab bottle with a big wide base so as to expose a greater surface area of the wine to the air)  and leave it to breathe for a certain period of time (usually at least 30 minutes or longer ). 2 problems about this method:

  1. You have to wait a certain period of time for the wine to be aerated
  2. If you can't finish the wine in the decanter, you had to pour it back into the bottle if you wanted to save it for another day

Lo and Behold! Enter the Trudeau Aerating Pourer, the pocket sized (ok I admit you need a bigger pocket) dynamo that you can use to impress your wine adoring compatriots with. Here's what the box looks like:

The package is sturdily constructed, professionally packaged and oozes an air of sophistication. Flipping open the lid, you would see the aerating pourer unit well padded:

They even provide a stand (the black coloured base). An additional picture to give you a better idea of its size:

How does it work? Attach the base of the unit securely to the top of your wine bottle such that nothing spills out and just pour. It is designed to fit on standard wine bottles. When you pour the wine through the aerator, you will hear the air circulation process and your glass will be filled with wine that has bubbles in it. Presto! Instant aeration.  Some people claim that using this product is as good as decanting a wine for 15 to 30 mins using a decanter. See the video below for how it works:
Taste Verdict: Does it actually work? Well, I cannot say I have a well trained tongue but even I am able to tell the difference between the aerated and non-aerated version of the same wine and to me, it tastes better. 
Here are some reasons why I like this product so much:

  • It is very portable: you can easily bring it along to wine gatherings, picnics etc. 
  • Easy to maintain: just rinse with water and dry
  • You can aerate wine by the glass: The rest of the bottle can be stoppered and kept for another day if you can't finish the wine in one sitting
  • It is very affordable. ( less than US$25)  

I whole-heartedly recommend this to wine drinkers who want an easy and effective way to aerate their wine. Remember to Drink Responsibly. Salut!

Where to get it:  Amazon
